Dedicated to the greater Brown University ultimate community.
Community Members Directory
Throwing plastic around Brown University since 1975.

2024 National Champions!

Team News

May 2024 - BMo wins Nationals for the fourth time in program history (Details).

BMo recognized in 2024 Ultiworld Men's D-I College Awards

View the 2024 Team Roster.

Nov 2023 - Team loses at cap to Alumni in scrimmage.

Team Highlights

Over Memorial Day Weekend 2024, BMo won Nationals, beating SLO in the final round, capping a dramatic march to victory for the #8 seed.

In early May 2024, BMo won NE Regionals, beating top seeded UMass 15-11; a nice upset for #3 seeded BMo.

In May 2023, BMo reached Nationals where they lost in the quarters to eventual winner, UNC, in the closest contest in the finals round.

In May 2022, led by Callahan winner John Randolph, the team made it all the way back to Nationals where they eventually lost in the semi-finals.

In late 2021, led by Callahan winner Azeez Adeyemi, the team came in second in the pandemic make-up tournament featuring players from the "lost years" of 2020 and 2021.

In May 2019, the last year before the pandemic, BMo won Nationals for the third time in their history, joining the earlier championship teams of 2000 and 2005.


Alumni News

Save the Date - November 16th, 2024

Plans are underway to celebrate the fourth BMo National championship at Brown on November 16th, 2024. Not only will BMo take on the Alumni in a scrimmage but Brown may honor the champs at the football game that weekend (hey, it's Columbia, we may even win).

BMo - Best in the Nation, but only second on campus!

On November 4th, 2023 our own BMo Alumni Squad edged this year's team 15-14 with a dramatic second half comeback. Luke Walden '94 took some great pix.

50th Anniversary

The program has its 50th anniversary coming up in 2025. We're working on a large alumni reunion slated for Fall 2025 and while we don't have a firm dates or details yet, you may want to start thinking about it because it's going to be really fun.

Membership Drive

Do you know someone who'd like to keep up with the team? Have them enter their contact info on this website, which is dedicated to the players, parents and friends of Brown Ultimate, so feel free to share it with any of your buddies who might be interested.


Team Fundraising Challenge

Please donate to the Brown University Sports Foundation before December 31st. Your funds will be matched by a some very generous alums who have generously pledged $10,000 to the Franz Fund if we raise $35,000 in BUSF donations by year's end.

Membership Drive

Do you know someone who'd like to keep up with the team? Have them enter their contact info on this website, which is dedicated to the players, parents and friends of Brown Ultimate, so feel free to share it with any of your buddies who might be interested.

Supporting BMo

Brown University Sports Foundation

Gifts to the Brown University Sports Foundation (BUSF) help provide immediate-use support to the ultimate program that allows our teams to thrive. When you make a current-use gift, you're helping this year's team get to Nationals. While Brown stepped up its funding of the program in recent years, BMo still depends on money coming from BUSF to help cover the cost of travel, coaching, equipment, and access to training staff.

Maintaining a Nationals-caliber ultimate team costs a lot of money. Over the past few years, we have managed to raise $35,000 or more each season to make up for the team's budget shortfall and enabled players to participate without team dues. Money goes to coaching, training staff, travel, equipment and other tournament costs.

Here's how:

  1. Visit the BUSF Club Sports giving page
  2. "Select a Fund" should already be selected and you should see this:
  3. Choose "Support Club & Intramural Sports" from the drop-down under "What would like to support?"
  4. Choose "Club Ultimate Frisbee (Men's and Open)" from the drop-down under "I'd like to give to"
  5. Fill in the amount and you're good to go. Thanks!

Franz Fund

Did you know that Brown Ultimate has its own endowment fund named after Michael Franz '03. As an endowment, its funds go to help both this year's players as well as future generations. Keep in mind that you can actively promote equity and diversity in our sport by reducing or eliminating the need for player fees, which can be as much as $1,000 per player per year and may limit who can play for BMo.

If you have year-end giving yet to do, please donate to the Franz Fund. No amount is too small, even $5 will help (but $100 would be better!).

Here's how:

  1. Visit the BUSF giving page
  2. Click the "Search for a Fund" button at the top right, you should see this:
  3. Type in "Franz" and press "SEARCH", you should see this:
  4. Press "SELECT". You should see "Michael V. Franz '03 Fund for Ultimate Frisbee (Endowment Fund)" filled-in on the main donation form from step 1.
  5. Fill in the amount and you're good to go. Thanks!

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